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About Us

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Who are the Boosters?

The Napa High Choral Boosters are a volunteer group made of of anyone who is interested in supporting all of the Napa High School choral programs.  We are a registered non-profit organization (501c3) which operates to promote and support the general welfare of the Napa High School choirs, by providing funding and other non-monetary assistance as required. Funds raised may be used but are not limited to purchasing and repairing uniforms, instruments, equipment and materials, meeting and travel expenses, gaining support from the Napa community, and advancing the  interests and welfare of the  Choirs at  all times.

What's the NHS Vocal Music Program about?

The Napa High Choral Program is the largest and most active student organization on campus! They have a reputation for excellence in local, state, and international competitions, winning top awards for decades and touring places including Italy, France, Spain, Ireland, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Florida, and New York. 

Who are the performers?

The student performers in all the NHS choir ensembles represent all walks of campus life, with many also involved in athletics, clubs, and academic programs. Approximately 80% joined the choral music program with no previous musical experience.  Approximately 80% play one or more sports on campus, and the average GPA of the choral students is usually 3.5 or above!

We’d love to hear from you!

If you would like to send us a quick note, or ask about having our choirs perform for your function, feel free to use the contact form below.

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2475 Jefferson St, Napa, CA 94558


Tel: (707) 253-3910

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